Travels to the habitats of our ancestors

Would you like to get to know the historical places of your ancestors?

In archives documents will be found giving geographical information, such as the place of domicile or even an exact description of the house of some ancestor. If the field names are still the same today, we may even find a piece of arable land once in the possession of an ancestor. In this way
we can get a more concrete conception of the habitat and its estates once belonging to one’s own family. We may even find out that some great-great-grandfather was the innkeeper of a local tavern. If the ancestors were domiciled not only in one single community, we may trace a number of historical habitats of our own family.

Sometimes due to war damages there may be nothing left of old buildings. Sometimes former arable land was built over with houses. It may also happen that old buildings were razed to the ground without erecting any new ones on the same ground. If we are lucky, the former house of
the family withstood some reconstructions and renovations so that it can still be visited today.

In order to get a notion of the history of our ancestors, it is best to go where they used to live. IRgH offers to turn such travels into reality. Their expert conducted tours visit historical family places and render expert opinions.

Service package 5


The IRgH offers to investigate historical possessions such as houses or estates of the ancestors, as defined by the customer according to time and space. From this the following conclusions can be drawn, all according to the agreements with the customers:

The family’s social status
The discovery of extant historical traces of historical buildings and etates.
On the basis of such an investigation church registers as well as various other documents are consulted. As the amount of additional work resulting from this is not very easy to assess, no exact charges can be given. However, the IRgH will be pleased to offer overall charges that are acceptable to either side.

Costs: All-inclusive charges according to arrangement

Service package 11


The IRgH offers to accompany you to historical places of your ancestors.

The IRgH functions as a tour operator. Preliminary research (service packages 4 and 5) is essential in order to find out about the places to visit. As the amount of work depends on the destinations and on preliminary research, no exact charges can be given. However, the IRgH aims to keep research on a reasonable level in order to offer you adequate visits. The IRgH will be pleased to offer overall charges that are acceptable to either side.

Costs: All-inclusive charges according to arrangement